Rigol DHO914S vs Siglent 1104X-E

I recently received a Rigol DHO914S to replace the Siglent SDS-1104XE I had just ordered not long ago. The timing of the release of the Rigol was such that I ordered the Siglent and learned about the new line of compact USB-C powered Rigols a few days later. Here’s a quick comparison table between the two scopes: Metric Rigol Siglent Sampling Rate 1 ADC at 1.25GS/sec 2 ADC at 1GS/s each Analog Bandwidth (un-hacked) 125Mhz 100Mhz ADC resolution 12 bits 8 bits Waveform capture rate 1,000,000 wfm/s 100,000wfm/s(normal mode) or 400,000 wfm/s(sequence mode) Screen 7" 1024x600 touchscreen 7" 800x480 no touch Connectivity ethernet, USB-A,USB-B, HDMI,40-pin(logic analyzer), AFG out, Aux out ethernet, USB-Ax2, USB-B,SBUS (logic analyzer), Trig out/(Pass/fail) Power supply external USB-C brick (option for battery) mains power with 3 prong plug AWG integrated external USB module Rigol Unboxing Side by side size comparison The one thing that struck me on opening the Rigol box is how amazingly small the 914S is, especially compared with the Siglent (which itself is already small).

Getting started with Flipper zero on gentoo linux

I recently received my flipper zero: The build instructions for qFlipper(the GUI to update flipper firmware) are a bit lacking, so here are the steps I had to follow when building on gentoo. One of the unstated dependencies for qFlipper is a tool called linuxdeploy available here: https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy Unfortunately, linuxdeploy uses cmake as its build toolchain so there’s many chances for something to go wrong. The instructions below are what worked for me:

Leap motion hand tracking in gentoo linux

The other day I decided to dust off my old leap motion handtracking kit and see if things still work in modern linux. A long time ago, I got into the developer program, so I had a somewhat janky prerelease bit of hardware in minimalist packaging (shown above). Unfortunately, the last update of leap motion SDK (orion/4.0+) was never released for linux, but the 2.3.1 release is still somewhat usable.

How to use the Epic Launcher with Unreal Engine in Linux

For fun, I’m currently trying to figure out how to control a skeleton in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) in real time, using a custom LiveLink plugin. Step 1 towards that goal was simply learning how to use UE4 in the first place. Unfortunately, the Epic Games Store (the only straightforward way to obtain assets for UE4) does not have a native linux version. I found a pretty manual approach that simply uses wine, which I have included for posterity at the end of this post, but that approach did not work for me.

What to do if you accidentally delete an entire bigquery dataset

A quick note on a particular feature of bigquery that I did not see anywhere in the documentation. If you accidentally delete a single table, you can use a feature called timetravel to restore the state of that table from a previous point in time. The way to do this: 1 bq cp my_data_set.my_deleted_table@1234567890 my_data_set.my_restored_table If you have deleted the entire dataset however, the above method will fail. Interestingly, if you simply recreate a dataset with the same name as the one that was deleted, timetravel on the tables that lived in that dataset will work again.

Fixing could not load vgui2_s.so error with Steam

Occasionally steam updates seem to update bundled libraries in such a way that breaks everything. This results in an error dialog that points you to this knowledge base page: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9205-OZVN-0660 which in my case did not prove helpful. Using ldd as they suggested showed that everything was seemingly fine- all needed dependencies were present. Instead what proved to be the issue was problematic versions of certain libraries bundled in the steam runtime- the 3 libraries shown below.

Sound only usable as root?

Similar to the issue I ran into with my keyboard and mouse, following a bunch of updates, my soundcard was only usable as root. I checked the permissions of all the nodes in /dev/snd/* and saw they were indeed exclusively accessible by root. Running this: 1 sudo setfacl -m g:audio:rw /dev/snd/* Allowed all users in the audio group to at least list the available sound cards via: 1 aplay -l Previously, the above command would return an empty list.

Keyboard and mouse only working as root in Xorg?!

Ran into an issue which seems fairly common, but my particular steps to diagnose and “solve” the problem were not easy to figure out. After updating an old gentoo box that hadn’t been thoroughly updated in years, I ran into a problem where my keyboard and mouse were only accessible as root once I was in X. I could use the keyboard as myself in the console but as soon as I ran startx, it become unresponsive.

How to show chrome URL paths in chrome 87

For reasons completely unfathomable to me, recent versions of chrome decided it would be nice to hide pretty much every aspect of the URL shown in your searchbar/omnibox other than the top level domain. So if you are on https://www.sebortiz.com/some-blog-post chrome 87 will inexplicably just show you nothing more than sebortiz.com until you click into the box at which point it deigns to reveal some details. This behavior is infuriating to say the least.

How to set Hugo baseURL with custom domain

Hugo’s documentation is not entirely clear on the format of the baseURL value in config.toml when using github pages with a custom domain. When using a custom domain, you need to add the file static/CNAME whose contents are only the CNAME of your site (www.sebortiz.com in the case of this site). However, the baseURL value does seem to require the protocol as well (I guess this is implied by URL in the name…), so in the case of this site https://www.